How to Beat Diabetes
Labasa, Fiji
Street theater performances at the diabetes clinic in Labasa, Fiji, dramatized the lifestyle changes required to overcome type 2 diabetes. Performed by native Fijians from The University of the South Pacific’s Labasa campus, the plays revealed dramatically what had previously been presented through information brochures that were only sometimes read. In a controlled experiment where patients’ blood sugar levels were monitored, exposure to the play was shown to lower the blood-sugar of those who had seen it. The performance archetypes can be duplicated anywhere in the world. Commissioned by the International Diabetes Federation.
From this effort, we developed four prototypes for performances aimed at educating diabetics. We look forward to partnering with NGO’s or others interested in diabetes eradication, to apply what we’ve created to their particular population of interest.
Use Fiji Prototypes To Stop Diabetes
World Communities will work with hospitals, NGO’s, or other organizations dedicated to eradicating the spread of diabetes. We will apply these performance prototypes to any situation where their viewing will help limit the effects and the progression of the disease.